maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2013

Flight home - celebrations!

We are now approaching Dalian in China on our way home.
Thank you to everybody that has made this GSE travel possible.
This includes, but is not limited to, DG Harry Hedman of 1420, Birger Stjernberg, Jyrki Kariniemi, DG Roh Kyung Bin of 3740 and Hysan Gearing of RI.

A special thanks to the AG:s and Clubs of Jechoen area that showed fantastic flexibility and created some great vocational program on the fly.

Special thanks also go to my team:

Carita has always been dependable, especially ready if there is a possibility to find a cake, with a smile on here face.
Anna has been a solid singer when: "the Finns have this funny thing about singing before we drink...". Her kickboxing and wineblogging were sure to create good discussions.
Kristjan managed to squeeze into every car offered and never complained about the seating arrangements. His consideration for others often calmed the situation down.
Rope pushed for "let's do it" and many program changes made for improvements!

Without your individual traits the team would not have been complete!

This would not have been possible without the support of my wife, Tarja! Kiitos, Tack!

1 kommentti:

  1. Vitsi näitä on muuten kiva lukea näin 8 vuotta tapahtuneesta. Reissusta. Huippua.
